The Warrior Lugh, travels through magical Woodlands when bewitched by a Fairy (Immrama) to a Beltane celebration, crossing unaware to The Otherworld - the fairy realm. Lugh and Immrama fall in love. However, they live in different times and worlds
The Warrior Lugh, travels through magical Woodlands when bewitched by a Fairy (Immrama) to a Beltane celebration, crossing unaware to The Otherworld - the fairy realm. Lugh and Immrama fall in love. However, they live in different times and worlds
The Warrior Lugh, travels through magical Woodlands when bewitched by a Fairy (Immrama) to a Beltane celebration, crossing unaware to The Otherworld - the fairy realm. Lugh and Immrama fall in love. However, they live in different times and worlds