San Francisco teen Tom Lee (voiced by Brandon Soo Hoo) lived a painfully ordinary life since his grandmom (Kheng Hua Tan) brought them from Hong Kong when he was a toddler. That's going to change, as a calculating sorceress (Michelle Yeoh) covets the talisman in his possession... and tiger warrior Hu (Henry Golding) seeks to help him understand his destiny. Animated take on the Laurence Yep YA novel also features the voices of Lucy Liu, Sandra Oh, Bowen Yang, Sherry Cola. 84 min. Widescreen; Soundtrack: English.
San Francisco teen Tom Lee (voiced by Brandon Soo Hoo) lived a painfully ordinary life since his grandmom (Kheng Hua Tan) brought them from Hong Kong when he was a toddler. That's going to change, as a calculating sorceress (Michelle Yeoh) covets the talisman in his possession... and tiger warrior Hu (Henry Golding) seeks to help him understand his destiny. Animated take on the Laurence Yep YA novel also features the voices of Lucy Liu, Sandra Oh, Bowen Yang, Sherry Cola. 84 min. Widescreen; Soundtrack: English.
San Francisco teen Tom Lee (voiced by Brandon Soo Hoo) lived a painfully ordinary life since his grandmom (Kheng Hua Tan) brought them from Hong Kong when he was a toddler. That's going to change, as a calculating sorceress (Michelle Yeoh) covets the talisman in his possession... and tiger warrior Hu (Henry Golding) seeks to help him understand his destiny. Animated take on the Laurence Yep YA novel also features the voices of Lucy Liu, Sandra Oh, Bowen Yang, Sherry Cola. 84 min. Widescreen; Soundtrack: English.