Cheap Thrills Records

What's New 8-20-21

Sub Pop

For fans of the show, enjoying the music of Bob’s Burgers on its own is both an irresistible to-go bag and ultimately a world unto itself. Lose yourself in the strangely epic disco celebration “Hot Pants Rain Dance”, sing along with the musical theater gem, “The Wedding Is My Warzone,” or do whatever you’re gonna do to “Sexy Little Tiger” but don’t miss the Bob’s Burgers Music Album Vol. 2. Fans, your order is up.

New West

Live from Plan 9 Records’ 25th Anniversary, it’s a blistering set of fan-favorites featuring, "18 Wheels of Love", "Let There Be Rock", "Goddamn Lonely Love" and "Daddy's Cup." The show was also set up to benefit the Bryan and Kathryn Harvey Family Memorial Endowment, a foundation providing music scholarships in the Richmond area. Lead vocalist and songwriter, Patterson Hood ended up writing the song "Two Daughters and A Beautiful Wife" about Bryan Harvey and his family.


KGLW’s 18th studio album, Butterfly 3000, might be their most fearless leap into the unknown yet; a suite of ten songs that all began life as arpeggiated loops composed on modular synthesizers, before being fashioned into addictive, optimistic and utterly seductive dream-pop. It’s simultaneously like nothing they’ve done before, and thoroughly, unmistakably Gizz, down to its climactic neon psych-a-tronic flourish. This is undoubtedly their most accessible and jubilant album to date.

New West

In The Horses and the Hounds, McMurtry backs personal narratives with effortless elegance and endless energy. His first collection in seven years spotlights a seasoned tunesmith in peak form as he turns toward reflection and revelation. Familiar foundations guide the journey. “There’s a definite Los Angeles vibe to this record,” McMurtry says. “The ghost of Warren Zevon seems to be stomping around among the guitar tracks. Don’t know how he got in there. He never signed on for work for hire.”


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